3940 E Gilman Street, Long Beach , CA 90815

Animal Bites

Even people who know animals may be unfortunate enough to suffer from the results of an animal bite.  Some bites may be minor and just causes small scratches or bruises.  However, some bites can be severe, causing permanent scarring and injury, possibly even death.  While the law on animal bites can vary from place to place, generally animal owners are responsible for unprovoked attacks on innocent people.  Some of the possible damages that can be collected for an animal bite case could be plastic surgery for scars, medical bills, emotional distress, pain and suffering and lost wages.

If you have been bitten by a dog, cat or any other pet, one of the first things you should do is to call the animal bite attorneys so that we can schedule a consultation.  Our attorneys can do an investigation to find out who all of the responsible parties in your case.  We can fight for you against the animal owner and their insurance company.  Call us today to set up your consultation.